
Jiminy Cricket!

I'm not much of a bug fan, but I found this not so little critter (about 3/4 inch long) in my kitchen sink the other morning, I don't even want to know how it got there! I pretty much freaked out when I spotted it staring at me, so I put a cup over it, went to work (hoping upon hope that it would expire under the cup--yeah right!) Came home from work and I knew I had to get rid of it somehow, so I slid some paper under the cup wrapped the paper around the cup and ran for the door, I think it was pretty tired out from being under the cup all day that it just sat there on the sidewalk, giving me plenty of time to grab the camera.
So we sat for a while, me taking shot after shot, it sitting ever so still, went out later and it was gone..............hoppy trails! lol Posted by Picasa


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