
Burning Bush Flower

I knew that the burning bush was known for its wonderful bright red foliage in the Autumn but never even realized that they also had these cute tiny (slightly smaller than a dime) flowers in the spring!


At May 14, 2006 5:27 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

Wow. Look at the texture on those petals! Lovely shot!

At May 16, 2006 7:59 AM, Blogger Nature Girl said...

WOW! I never knew it either. I see so much more now that I have my camera...things I never knew existed until I load them on the computer. Isn't it cool!?! Stacie

At May 21, 2006 6:42 PM, Blogger ~K~ said...

Thanks Wendy! They are the funniest but so interesting little flowers I've ever seen!

Thanks Stacie! Oh it's so very cool! I've always loved nature but with my camera if I find an unusual plant or animal that I've never heard of before, I dig through my books or search the internet for more info. So much fun!!

Thanks Dawn : )


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