

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.
~John Muir


Mystery Weed

Found these tiny flowers (weeds?) at my sisters house, they're only about a 1/4 inch, I actually thought they were small dandelions until I zoomed in and realized that they were teeny flowers : )


A New Spin On Things : )

This is a shot of a plastic wind spinning thing I have out in my garden : ) I really didn't think I'd get a good shot of it. There was a slight breeze so it was a bit difficult subject to work with...so after about 25 shots I was pretty lucky to have captured this one! : )


Thanks Wendy : )

I've just love how Wendy adds a dark vignetting on the edges of some of her photos, she was so kind to send me instructions on how to do this in PS3. I just love how it makes a photo pop!
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.
~Anäis Nin
Thanks sooooo much Wendy! : )


Rainbow Wings

I have these bugs all over my garden, not at all sure what they are: bee, fly?
But they sure are cool looking up-close! : ) I just love the color in it's wings!